Rachel Fulton Brown

Department of History

The University of Chicago


Autumn 2013




For centuries, Peter Lombard's twelfth-century collection of patristic interpretations of Scripture or "sentences" served as the foundation for the formal study of Christian theology.  All university masters in theology were required to lecture on the Sentences, and many of the greatest works of late medieval theology began as commentaries on the Sentences.  Covering in order the mystery of the Trinity (book 1), creation (book 2), the incarnation of the Word (book 3), and the doctrine of signs (book 4), Lombard's summa provided at once a structure for inquiry and a limit on the kinds of questions theologians were expected to ask.  In this course, we will follow the medieval practice of reading and commenting on the four books of the Sentences both in order to learn how medieval Christians thought about God, creation, salvation, virtue, the sacraments, and the last things, and in order to practice making such theological arguments ourselves.  The Sentences themselves are newly available in English translation, but students will be encouraged insofar as they are able to work with them in the original Latin.




Peter Lombard, The Sentences, trans. Giulio Silano, 4 vols. (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2007-2010).  [On reserve B765.P33S46 2007]

            Book 1: The Mystery of the Trinity 

            Book 2: On Creation

            Book 3: On the Incarnation of the Word

            Book 4: On the Doctrine of Signs


Philipp Rosemann, Peter Lombard.  Great Medieval Thinkers (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004).  [Online BX1749.P4 R67 2004eb]


Philipp Rosemann, The Story of a Great Medieval Book: Peter Lombard's Sentences (Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press, 2007).  [On reserve BX1749.P4 R67 2007]




1. Lectiones on the Sentences: Each week, students will take turns leading the group in a discussion of selected questions from the distinctions assigned for the week.  Your lectio should take your fellow students through the argument point by point, raising appropriate questions for disputation (30%).


2.  Assignments: These assignments are intended to help students formulate a larger research project on the Sentences.  Each should be about 2-3 pages (30%).


3.  Final paper, 10-12 pages, double-spaced (40%).  Your paper may address a particular point of theology as raised by Lombard, analyze a particular commentator's treatment of Lombard, analyze Lombard's use of sources, compare Lombard's treatment of a particular question against his contemporaries, or raise another type of question of your own choosing.




October 2  A Great Medieval Book

Lombard, Sentences, trans. Silano: bk. 1, pp. l-lviii; bk. 2, pp. xxx-xlv; bk. 3, pp. xli-xlviii; and bk. 4, pp. lxvii-lxxv

Rosemann, Peter Lombard, pp. 3-70

________, Story, pp. 13-52


October 9  The Trinity: Lib. 1, dist. I-XXXIV

Lombard, Sentences, trans. Silano, bk. 1, pp. 1-193

Rosemann, Peter Lombard, pp. 71-92


Assignment: Go to StegmŸller, Repertorium commentariorum in Sententias Petri Lombardi and find two commentators.  See if you can find an early printed edition of their commentaries.  Check manuscript catalogs for descriptions of at least three manuscripts of each commentary listed by StegmŸller.


October 16  God's Knowledge, Omnipotence, and Will: Lib. 1, dist. XXXV-XLVII

Lombard, Sentences, trans. Silano, bk. 1, pp. 193-262

Rosemann, Story, pp. 53-92


Assignment: Choose one chapter from today's reading and track down Lombard's sources in their original context.  Analyze his method of excerpting.


October 23  Creation: Lib. 2, dist. I-XVIII

Lombard, Sentences, trans. Silano, bk. 2, pp. 3-81

Rosemann, Peter Lombard, pp. 92-117


Assignment: Choose one chapter from today's reading and check Silano's translation against the critical edition.  Comment on Silano's choice of words.


October 30  Sin: Lib. 2, dist. XIX-XLIV

Lombard, Sentences, trans. Silano, bk. 2, pp. 81-217

Rosemann, Story, pp. 93-136


Assignment: Choose one chapter from today's reading and compare two commentaries on this chapter.


November 6  The Incarnation and Passion: Lib. 3, dist. I-XXII

Lombard, Sentences, trans. Silano, bk. 3, pp. 1-97

Rosemann, Peter Lombard, pp. 118-43


Assignment: Choose one chapter from today's reading and compare two commentaries on this chapter.


November 13  Virtue: Lib. 3, dist. XXIII-XL

Lombard, Sentences, trans. Silano, bk. 3, pp. 97-170

Rosemann, Story, pp. 137-83


Assignment: Choose one chapter from today's reading and write a commentary.  Give sources.


November 20  The Sacraments: Lib. 4, dist. I-XLII

Lombard, Sentences, trans. Silano, bk. 4, pp. 3-233

Rosemann, Peter Lombard, pp. 144-78


Assignment: Choose one chapter from today's reading and write a commentary.  Give sources.


November 27  Last Things: Lib. 4, dist. XLIII-L

Lombard, Sentences, trans. Silano, bk. 4, pp. 233-76

Rosemann, Peter Lombard, pp. 179-93


Assignment: Work on your final paper.  No written assignment for class today.


December 4  A Great Medieval Book?

Rosemann, Peter Lombard, pp. 194-212

________, Story, pp. 184-93





Critical edition

Peter Lombard, Sententiae in IV libris distinctae, 3rd ed. Spicilegium Bonaventurianum. 4 (Grottaferrata: Editiones Collegii S. Bonaventurae ad Claras Aquas, 1971) [On reserve BX1750.P45 1971]


Critical study

Marcia Colish, Peter Lombard, 2 vols., Brill's Studies in Intellectual History 41 (Leiden/New York: Brill, 1994).  [On reserve BX1749.P4C640 1993]


Commentaries on the Sentences

Friedrich StegmŸller, Repertorium commentariorum in Sententias Petri Lombardi, 2 vols. (Herbipoli [WŸrzburg]: F. Schšningh, 1947).  [On reserve BX1750.P5S8]


Mediaeval Commentaries on the Sentences of Peter Lombard: Current Research

á      Vol. 1, ed. G.R. Evans (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2002).  [Online BX1749.P4 M43eb vol. 1]

á      Vol. 2, ed. Philipp Rosemann (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2010).  [Online BX1749.P4 M43 2010]


Early Printed Editions of the Sentences in Special Collections

Petri Lombardi Parrhysiensis ecclesie quondam antistitis viri diviniarum rerum eruditissimi Sententiarum textus, ed. Henri de Vrimach, with commentary by Giles of Rome and Heinrich von Gorkum (Basel: F. Colonia, L. Hornkens, 1513). [Special Collections, Rare Books f BX1750.P45 1513]


Petri Lombardi Parrhysiensis ecclesie quondam antistitis viri diviniarum rerum eruditissimi Sententiarum textus, ed. Henri de Vrimach, with commentary by Giles of Rome and Heinrich von Gorkum (Basel: Impensis ... Lodouici Hornke[m], bibliopolae, Ada[m] Petri de Langendorff, typographus ..., 1516). [Special Collections, Rare Books fBX944.B9]


Petri Lombardi episcopi parisiensis Sententiarvm libri IIII (Paris: I. Mace, 1543). [Special Collections, Rare Books BX1750.P45 1543]


Petri Lombardi Sententiarum libri IIII, ed. Jean Aleaume (Paris: Apud P. Haultinum, 1550).  [Special Collections, Rare Books BX1750.P45 1550]


Petri Lombardi Sententiarvm libri IIII, ed. Jean Aleaume (Paris: Ex officina Gabrielis Buonij, 1564). [Special Collections, Rare Books BX1750.P45 1564]


R.d. magistri Petri Lombardi novariensis episcopi parisiensis Sententiarvm libri IV, ed. Antonius Melissa (Cologne: Sumptibus H. Mylij, 1609). [Special Collections, Rare Books BX1750.P45 1609]




"Peter Lombard, Magister Sententiarum" at The Franciscan Archive [http://www.franciscan-archive.org/lombardus/index.html]

á      Includes links to Latin edition at Biblioteca Augustana and to commentaries on the Sentences by Bonaventure, Duns Scotus, Thomas Aquinas, Francis of Marchia, John of Mirecourt, Richard of Middleton, Peter of Candia (Pope Alexander V), and Peter Aureoli.


Early Printed Editions of the Sentences available through Google Books


Textus sententiarum cum conclusionibus et partitione, ed. Henri de Vrimach (Basel: Ex officina prouidi Nicolai Kessler, 1507). [http://books.google.com/books?id=IQEscxBgQRgC]


Petri Lombardi episcopi Parisiensis Sententiarvm libri IIII, ed. Jean Aleaume (Louvain: Ex officina Bartholomei Grauij, 1552). [http://books.google.com/books?id=_S1QAAAAcAAJ]


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